
Students Honored with Military Coin for Protecting Patient Safety

Lauren Hom and Zachary Lanoue receive military challenge coins

The situation that pharmacy doctoral students Zachary Lanoue and Lauren Hom found themselves in sounds like a fictional scenario presented in a classroom, 一个全球十大赌博靠谱的平台专业的教育故事, 教授可能会问的地方, “你会怎么做??”

毫无疑问,这是真的. And the students performed so expertly that they were honored with a military challenge coin for quick thinking in an emergency, which prevented an error and ensured a patient’s safety.

At a coining ceremony at the Aviano Air Force Base in Italy in November, Lt. Col. 艾米丽·迪特里希(上图), at left) praised the duo for “immersing yourselves and being up for any experience that we’re able to give you. And then not only witnessing that and learning from it but doing a patient safety catch.



Lanoue and Hom were on an ACPHS rotation at the Air Force base, when a patient arrived after being bit and scratched by a feral cat. 她有患狂犬病和其他感染的危险. Medical protocol called for immediate injections of rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin, which both help to prevent the onset of infection even after exposure, 在咬伤部位. But in this case, the bite site was tiny, near the knuckle of the patient’s ring finger. 不可能需要8个.2 milliliter dosage could be injected there and absorbed.

So medical staff came up with a plan to distribute the required dosage in four separate muscular sites – one in each thigh, 还有两个在臀肌中,用来正常吸收.

但这个计划并不适合拉诺. He had done a rotation several months before in an emergency room, 他在哪里见过不少狂犬病病例. Something seemed wrong about administering the vaccine into the glutes. When he and Hom stepped away from the patient’s side into the hallway, he opened his phone.

“At this point we're all standing in a circle in the hallway,洪说, 扎克推了推我, 他说, “我不知道我们能不能给她的臀部注射.’”

Lanoue had found on an app for medical providers that the rabies vaccine should not be administered in the gluteus muscles due to potential poor absorption and the chance of sciatic pain. Lanoue说他很紧张,不敢说出来.


“And so then I was like, ‘Zach, show her your phone,’洪说.

拉诺分享了他的所见所闻. 空军基地的医务人员对此表示感谢. They discovered they could give as much as four milliliters in each thigh and did that.

The action appeared effective, as the patient did indeed avoid rabies. 尽管如此, 她患上了另一种感染, and the antibiotics she was receiving in pill form were not working. Military medical staff asked to send her to a local hospital. 在意大利, 抗生素的可用性是有限的, and the hospital said the patient could only be transferred if the military base started her on a different antibiotic treatment first. Lanoue and Hom were tasked with researching what to give her, 并推荐万古霉素和厄他培南.

“我们选择的药物完全解决了她的感染, 她的手指完全好了, 她不需要任何手术干预, and we found out about a week later that the patient was totally fine after receiving the antibiotics,洪说. “我们都松了一口气,简直不敢相信.

Lanoue and Hom’s supervisors were impressed with their actions. In the days just before the students’ departure from Italy, they surprised them with the presentation of a challenge coin, 奖励卓越的军事传统.


The coining capped off what had already been a once-in-a-lifetime experience for Lanoue and Hom.

The rotation in Italy is currently one of a few international options for required Advanced 药房实践 Experiences (APPE) for pharmacy students. Program options were more robust before the COVID-19 pandemic; with restrictions eased, international rotation options are slated to increase soon, 考特尼·塔克斯说, 负责体验教育的副院长.

The option of a rotation abroad was a reason Hom decided to enroll at ACPHS, 她说, and she has been looking forward to an international rotation since she entered school.  Lanoue was interested in the rotation both because of the chance to experience working in another country and the opportunity to work on a military base.  

The town of Aviano sits at the foot of the picturesque Dolomite Mountains in northeastern Italy, 距离威尼斯大约90分钟的火车车程. Lanoue and Hom lived in an Airbnb apartment owned by a man named Fabio, 坐落在广场(城镇广场), 露天农产品和古董市场在哪里举行. 他们与市民互动, adapting such daily traditions as eating pastry and espresso for breakfast. (On days when they wanted familiar food, there was a Subway sandwich shop on the base.他们走路去任何地方,包括上班. Townspeople were familiar with Americans from the base, and English was spoken everywhere.

从专业角度看, the military base gave Lanoue and Hom the chance to take on more responsibility than they might have had elsewhere, 他们说. Pharmacy personnel also had military duties; when the military duties became the priority, Lanoue and Hom had a chance to temporarily fill positions of more authority.

“You get a lot more responsibility as a student,” Lanoue said.

Hom said her time at the Aviano Air Force Base has affected how she will pursue future professional experiences.

“I was a part of a team that made a real difference for patients,” 她说. “I felt like the work that we were doing there was thoroughly appreciated, 我觉得我们为人们带来了不同."


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